1. Our wish is that you can purchase with complete peace of mind. For this reason, in the event of problems related to the delivery of the ordered item, its integrity or its functioning, after verification, we guarantee to return the amount paid or its possible replacement.

Contact us to resolve a problem with a purchase or to arrange a return. We will reply to you very quickly (1-5 hours, on working days), offering you an economical refund or replacement solution (our Customer Service may ask you for further information).

2. With the Fusaro Customer Guarantee your personal data is safe.

3. The Fusaro Group, corporate parent of the FFitness brand, thanks also to the collaboration with PayPal, monitors every single transaction 24 hours a day, to prevent fraud, phishing emails, identity theft and other unpleasant situations. Our advanced automatic encryption systems help maintain high security standards. Remember that we will never ask you in an email for your personal and/or financial data or access data for your PayPal account, current account or credit card.