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Why should vibration plate training be more effective? Can it also affect metabolism and blood and lymphatic circulation?


If used correctly, does the vibration plate actually work ? It depends on expectations, i.e. the result you would like to obtain. First of all, you should be clear about what type of training to perform. Training with the vibration plate is usually for muscle strengthening , because it stimulates strength and muscle hypertrophy .

It can also be mixed, i.e. muscular and metabolic , structured with alternation of various exercises (circuit training) lasting 30-60'' each, to be performed in isometry or dynamically and without passive recoveries, for a total of 3 -5 complete laps. Here's one for example: isometric half squat/pistol squat/bulgarian squat, 90° dumbbell crosses, plank, push-up, barbell/dumbbell row, lateral plank, straight-legged deadlift with dumbbells/barbell, isometric dumbbell lateral raises, curls barbell/dumbbells, french presses dumbbells/barbell, dumbbell front raises.

Why should vibration plate training be more effective? For the vibrations themselves, which are of a jolting nature and directed vertically and propagate throughout the body with greater intensity at the point of support.

At a neuro-muscular level, exposure to this type of stimulus imposes an involuntary response of multiple short but consecutive micro-contractions, which adds to the primary effort of the exercise. So, for example, when performing an isometric half-squat on a vibration plate, fatigue is not localized exclusively on the quadriceps, glutes, leg flexors and lumbar muscles, but also in all the other areas.

For this reason, in addition to basic conditioning, vibration platforms are suitable for metabolic training : with the same execution, compared to normal exercise, general fatigue is certainly greater.

Furthermore, vibrations can "move" all tissues, organs, fluids, etc. It is, therefore, possible that they affect blood and lymphatic circulation , although it is not possible to understand to what extent and above all whether this has a beneficial role on health.


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