What are the main positions for effective training with the spin bike? Here are some: seated flat, seated climbing, standing flat, standing climbing and many that you can and should try to train at home.
We have seen what the phases are (with some advice) of a complete workout with your spin bike . Now, we show you the most practiced positions in a training program .
Seated flat
Sitting, with your arms slightly bent and your hands on the handlebars about 10 cm closer together.
It is a position suitable for any intensity.
We recommend a resistance that allows approximately 80-100 pedal strokes per minute.
Seated climbing
It is useful for tackling low gradient climbs.
The pelvis is supported on the saddle in a backward position, the arms are slightly flexed and grip the handlebars just in front of its lateral curves.
Medium resistance is recommended.
Standing flat
The body is raised almost in a vertical position with the buttocks touching the saddle, while the arms are slightly flexed and the hands on the handlebars are about twenty centimeters apart.
Light resistance is recommended.
Standing climbing
It is suitable for demanding climbs.
The body is moved forward and the hands rest on the handlebars.
For this position, a resistance that allows approximately 60-70 pedal strokes per minute is suggested.
You continually lift your torso from the saddle, as if you were making a sudden leap.
It can be performed by maintaining a constant pace or gradually increasing it.
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